Jamboree On The Air 2017 was over and Scouts of South Jakarta were surprisingly joined this remarkable event with more than 500 scouts participants. Since 2010, we were helping to organize the JOTA station of South Jakarta and in fact this year is absolutely amazing. Formerly we had coordinating with …
November, 2017
Oktober, 2016
- 25 Oktober
YBDXC Joined International JOTA – JOTI 2016
As dated on October 14th – 16th 2016, International Jamboree On The Air and Jamboree Over The Internet (JOTA – JOTI), World Scouts huge event was held over the countries and organized by each Scouts National JOTA Organizer. Indonesia, as proudly claimed as an archipelago nation which had thousand islands …
- 12 Oktober
DX Learning for Newbie on JOTA
Dear JOTA Friends, Hereby below i attached a file with Power Point Presentation for showing and giving lesson about DXing in Amateur Radio for Newbie on JOTA (in Bahasa Indonesia). Indeed, it is only a half way to teach the Scouts how to operate and doing some QSO during Jamboree. …
- 12 Oktober
JUKLAK JOTA JOTI 2016 Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia
PETUNJUK PELAKSANAAN KEGIATAN JAMBOREE ON THE AIR (JOTA) NASIONAL KE – 79 & JAMBOREE ON THE INTERNET (JOTI) NASIONAL KE –37 TAHUN 2016 14 – 16 Oktober 2016 I. PENDAHULUAN Gerakan Pramuka adalah sebuah gerakan pendidikan luar sekolah yang merupakan wadah pendidikan dan kaderisasi para tunas-tunas bangsa yang memiliki …
Juni, 2016
- 21 Juni
YBDXC Member Support JOTA – JOTI
I would like to share the story about my participation on JOTA – JOTI, the Scouts Worldwide Well-known event, which related with Radio Communication as a part of the skills taught and given to every Scouts around the World. As a routine event noted on calendar two times each year, …
November, 2011
- 20 November
JOTA dan JOTI 2011
http://littlehamshack.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/jota-dan-joti-2011/ Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) dan Jamboree On The Internet (JOTI) 2011 oleh : YC0OST Irsani Indra Putra Noor (IRSAN) JOTA dan JOTI..mungkin bagi sebagian rekan yang membacanya tidak mengenal apa itu artinya. Namun, rekan-rekan yang pernah menjadi Pramuka atau terlibat dalam kegiatan Pramuka, tentunya sangat familiar dengan istilah …