Australia’s Summerland Amateur Radio Club report that due to current Nation Park & Forest Closures, Pat VK2FAAD, Dave VK2CDG and myself VK2QJ will be activating VK2SRC this weekend, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 January, from a location near The Pinnacles Grafton QG60LL 170m ASL for the Summer VHF / UHF Field Day.
This event will be dedicated to the memory of Rob VK2BBR who was a long term member of SARC & keen supporter of Field Days out in the field in the past and from home in recent years with many first and second place awards.
So please jump on air to help remember Rob.
Proposed Frequencies
6m SSB 50.150 +/- Graeme VK2QJ
2m SSB 144.150 +/- Pat VK2FAAD
2m FM 146.500 Pat VK2FAAD
70cm SSB 432.150 +/- Dave VK2CDG
70cm FM 439.00 Dave VK2CDG
23cm SSB 1296.150 +/- Graeme VK2QJ
Contacts can be repeated every 2 hours per band.
Cheers Graeme VK2QJ