Australian bush fires

Hello, I’m Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I’ve been thinking.

Welcome to the new year. Today we must remember that many people including fellow radio amateurs are dealing with the forces of nature.

There are many of our fellows who have lost livelihoods, homes and mementoes. Towns have been changed forever and sadly lives have been lost.

Members of the Defence Forces are out in the field using the skills and training in a humanitarian way. With soaring summer temperatures and a state of emergency in force in New South Wales, those of us who are going about their normal lives must wish these people well as they engage in something abnormal.

One thing that I have been watching is the discussions on social media on the involvement of WICEN in this national disaster. With only the Northern Territory not dealing with wildfire, it is really involving the whole country. Once the amateurs had a voice which was national in the emergency preparedness discussions with WICEN noted as an involved entity but that changed about 20 years ago.

There is confusion as to the nature of WICEN and its role in the whole emcoms issue and part of that is the scattered nature of the beast, these days. It seems neither state based or truly regional and people are trying to understand what it does, how it skills its members and how they assist the first responders when called on.

Publicity is important for organisations. Publicity within the peer group, the other amateurs and publicity externally to maintain recognition and credibility in the wider community. Sadly I have to ask, how often have we heard or read of WICEN activities? I note that in the rollcall of Queensland radio clubs, WICEN gets a call but doesn’t seem to provide stories to the broadcasts or print. Is this simply an oversight or have amateur groups become totally self absorbed?

It seems to take a disaster to bring the questions out and surely we need a response.

We have enthusiastic offers from people wanting to train and organise but no way to go forward. We need to turn this around for our own good and that of the community.

I’m Geoff Emery and that’s what I think….how about you?