Last night January 5th, 2017, i was joining a first day of Malaysian 40 Meters Net on frequency 7.130 MHz. Luckily i saw a note about this brand new activity on social media and consider myself to monitor how the Net was running. The schedule was announced it should be started on 1200 UTC. When i was looking at my watch few minutes before Net opened, i heard someone was on that frequency did some CQing.
I was calling him and gave a report 5-9 solid audio, his callsign 9M2PUL was often heard on the bands. Even the propagation not really good, he did hear my signal a good copy of 5-9, thank goodness, hi hi. Yeah, i am using only inverted-V wire antenna and only running power out 80 watts. My new friend, OM Syaiful 9M2PUL was acting as the Net Control Station last night. He did a great job anyway and i had a nice short contact with him.
Few friends of Malaysian amateur radio were greet him get well soon and best recovery. I was so concious what was happen with him and later search his account in Sadly, he truly got a serious accident and might have recovered soon. I am wishing him very best and get well soon.
Tahniah (means Congratulation in Malay) for my Malaysian amateur radio friends regarding the first time Malaysian 40 Meter Net, surely i will try to join this net activity every thursday at the same time. In my point of views, few stations from Malaysia were handling one by one patiently by NCS among some of Indonesian ‘bad boys’ stations also checked themselves.
Hardly believe their bad behaviour on 40 meters band was poisonous! They should monitoring the band first before calling. They were so anxious to wait the turn unless heard when the time they would be called. But anyway, it might be caused of poor propagation somehow troubling us to hear properly. It was so nice to hear our neighbors friends being called, from Perlis, Kedah, Perak, Trengganu, Negeri Sembilan, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and Putra Jaya, also Kelantan and others as well. After Semenanjung States of West Malaysia was over, then NCS was calling Sabah and Serawak (East Malaysia). Lastly, Indonesia and Brunei.
Best wishes for Malaysian 40 Meter Net. Hope more Malaysian amateur radio friends will joining your Net next week and so on.
Tahniah, my friends!
73 de YC0OST