As updated today from last evening election for new ORARI Headquarter’s Chairman, H. Abidin H.H. – YB7LSB now officially elected as our New Chairman of Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia (ORARI), 2016 – 2021 on National Conference of ORARI Headquarter in Surabaya, East Java yesterday. Several elected member had been chosen as member of Supervisory and Advisory Board (Dewan Pengawas dan Penasehat) ORARI HQ such as Anda Yudas – YB6HAI, H.Irwan YB4VN and others. The Chairman Election of ORARI Headquarter was attended by 32 representatives of ORARI Region from all area of Indonesia.
ORARI New Chairman H.Abidin – YB7LSB replacing the outgoing Let. Gen. (hon.) Sutiyoso – YB0ST. Now, YB0ST became the Chairman of Supervisory and Advisory Board (DPP) ORARI HQ. OM Abidin is a successful businessman from South Kalimantan was winning 6 votes out of his rival, Budi Halim YB0HD. Other famous figure from YB Land DX Club, OM Syarif Hidayat – YB1FWO is failed to became a candidate of ORARI Chairman because of only had two votes from ORARI Region
Also One of the member from YB Land DX Club, OM Anda Yudas – YB6HAI had successfully become the DPP Member of ORARI HQ and now on he will representing Indonesian DX Community to make a better ORARI as a huge Organization as well. A great job and big applause for OM Anda Yudas – YB6HAI.
On behalf of YB Land DX Club Headquarter, we are congratulated to OM Abidin – YB7LSB as a Chairman of ORARI Headquarter and OM Anda Yudas – YB6HAI. Big Appreciate and Thank You for OM Budi Halim – YB0HD as well as OM Syarif Hidayat – YB1FWO for their gentleman spirit and full dedication to ORARI itself. Hope all potential DPP members and the elected Chairman of ORARI will bring this organization for a better and world class amateur radio organization than before.
73 from Irsan – YC0OST