As dated on October 14th – 16th 2016, International Jamboree On The Air and Jamboree Over The Internet (JOTA – JOTI), World Scouts huge event was held over the countries and organized by each Scouts National JOTA Organizer. Indonesia, as proudly claimed as an archipelago nation which had thousand islands instead richness native cultural tribes, joined the event as usual once a year. Gerakan Pramuka, Indonesian Scouts Movement organization was fully participating and well-prepared, coordinating with ORARI, Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization to set-up many JOTA stations from all over the Indonesia. The number of stations was increasing this year as well as the participants.
YBDXC as a one of the DX Community whom were actively support ORARI mainly on DX-ing activities or DX Contest, also highly responsible to support this awesome event. Therefore YBDXC HQ was informing and encouraging their members to joined and built the JOTA Stations as well as coordinating with the local Scouts of their neighborhood. Some of them were well-monitored and sharing their stories below, here are their details:
JOTA – JOTI Station YC0ZSDA Indonesian Scouts of Ambalan SMAN 90, South Jakarta
Photo courtesy of YC0OST, Irsan and Team
JOTA – JOTI Station YBC8ZQM Indonesian Scouts of Kwartir Cabang Manado (North Sulawesi)
Photos courtesy of YB8QF, John Fitzgerald Rembet
JOTA – JOTI Station YC8ZQS Indonesian Scouts of Ambalan SMAN 1 Tahuna, Sangihe Island -North Sulawesi
JOTA – JOTI Station YF4ZGC Indonesian Scouts of Kwartir Cabang Kabupaten Belitung, Belitung Island
News Flash for the JOTA Station of YF4ZGC, reported and covered by Public Relation of City Government of Kabupaten Belitung, Belitung Island: http://portal.belitungkab.go.id/read/1821/pramuka-kwarcab-belitung-terpilih-sebagai-peserta-jota-2016
Station Manager : Irfan Jalaferi – YE4IJ, Photos courtesy of Irfan Jalaferi – YE4IJ