Congratulation for our newly YB Land DX Club Headquarter elected for the year 2016 – 2021 : YB1TJ Djoko Maryono Susilo (President), YB0AI Taufan Prioutomo (Secretary), YB2TX Agus Wibisono (Treasurer), YB0NDT Karsono ‘Endut’ Suyanto (Contest Coordinator), YB8RW Syariefudin ‘Din’ Syah (DX/IOTA Expedition), YD4IRS Robby Sandes (IT/Webmaster), YB2ECG Sardjana ‘Jon’ (Public Relation) and YC0OST Irsani ‘Irsan’ Indra Putra Noor (Education & Training).

We thankfully honored and much appreciated for our former HQ: YB4IR Imam Raharjo, YB1AR Yana Koryana, YB2TJV Halim Dani, YB2DX Yohannes Budhiono/Hans and YF1AR Budi Santoso for the wonderful and successfully leadership through dedication along the years 2011 – 2016.
We hope and pray for the next period of new YBDXC HQ also thank you to Organizing Committee and all Participant of YBDXC National Conference 2016 at Mercure Convention Center Hotel, Ancol Beach City, North Jakarta on August 6, 2016. Special Thanks to YB0NDT Karsono Suyanto, YB0NSI Djojo Nusa, YC1NAA Ina Septiani, YB1JYL Jilly Liesda, YB0VGH Adrianus Tumewu for an awesome and solid teamwork for organizing this lovely event.
We will see you all next on 2021 .. Take Care and 73
Irsan YC0OST