Club Log QSO matching for IOTA



Instructions for Club Log QSO matching

To claim a new island group from matched Club Log QSOs, please read the instructions below carefully.

Enter your Club Log login credentials (e-mail address, your Club Log password and call-sign) in the “Connect to Club Log” section below. Your Club Log credentials will not be stored in the IOTA database. Press “Connect” to retrieve your matching records from Club Log. The IOTA Update web page will display a list of matched QSOs that qualify for IOTA. Only one QSO can be submitted for each IOTA group.
You can then select the QSOs you want to include in your application. If you make a mistake, don’t worry, as you can correct it later. Club Log will only select and display QSOs older than 60 days from logs where the owner has not blocked QSO matching. After reviewing your QSOs, either click those boxes that you wish to use for your application, or, if you wish to accept all QSOs on the current page, click the top box on the right-hand column. Continue to click the “Add selected QSOs to your application” box to add the QSOs to your update. At this point, the QSO information is stored on the server.
If submitting an application for the IOTA-CC-100 award and you select less than 100 QSOs, you need to make up the difference by entering additional QSOs through the from keyboard (type QSOs) or the IOTA Contest QSO matches facility. You do need at least 100 QSOs in order to access the Award Claim facility in QSOs in IOTA Update.
When you are ready to submit an application for an award, scroll to the bottom of the IOTA Update page, and tick the checkboxes for the awards you would like and then press the “Send application” button. The software will take you through the necessary steps to ensure that your application is complete before you submit it to your Checkpoint. It will indicate the fees required. If you are also submitting QSL cards for credit to your Checkpoint, please add return postage for your cards. Be sure that your land mail and e-mail addresses are correct. No QSOs can be added after you tick the “Send application” button, so press this only when you are satisfied that you have added all possible QSOs and /or selected one or more awards and are ready to send the submission to your Checkpoint and IOTA Centre.
Once IOTA Management has accepted the Club Log matched QSOs and any others in your application that are supported by QSL cards, it will credit the QSOs to your IOTA Award account. It will also issue any awards or certificates for which you have applied and qualified.

Award Claim

You must have at least one QSO in each of the seven continents before you can make a submission in the Standard Category of Application (all HF bands).