I would like to share the story about my participation on JOTA – JOTI, the Scouts Worldwide Well-known event, which related with Radio Communication as a part of the skills taught and given to every Scouts around the World. As a routine event noted on calendar two times each year, this awesome event always cheers up every Scouts and Amateur Radio member.

Since 2010, I was enjoy and joined the JOTA – JOTI Scouts Station around my neighborhood and called to assist the Scouts JOTA Station. Being active as a member of ORARI (Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization) and also joined with a prestigious DX Club in my country, YBDXC (YB Land DX Club) made my decision to support these excellent event and together with the young scouts we were exploring the World of Amateur Radio.

Nothing such a wonderful moment for me as a DXer than to teach and assist the whole group of Young Scouts in small schools around South Jakarta. We were not only teach them about how to use a Radio Transceiver, but also Propagation and Amateur Band Allocation. The JOTA Scouts even taught about some technical skills about Antenna and Spectrum Wave as others. They also being learnt about Operating Procedure when they got entering the band or Frequencies.

Sometimes they were asking some dummies questions and made me realized to keep up to-date my knowledge about Amateur Radio. My discussion with mostly all of YBDXC friends about DX-ing and other information on the social media groups was very useful and ring the bells. I had upgrading my license to YC (Advanced Level) on 2011 and i got my first DXCC soon few years later. My grateful and honor for my elmers and colleague at ORARI and YBDXC.

It was so thrilling as a JOTA Instructor and Scouts JOTA Manager, for me those were some unforgettable experience i ever had before and i would like to join every time they need me or not. They made me proud, because few of them later became a licensed amateur radio, as well as also active in Scouts. If you hear our signal every August and October each year, just call us and make me proud as a JOTA station.

73 and Scouts Greeting!
Irsan – YC0OST