YW0A Bird Island Project: Between November 1, 2013 and February 28, 2014




4M5DX-YW0A Bird Island Project: Between November 1, 2013 and February 28, 2014, stay tuned!

The QSL Manager for Bird Island is EB7DX :
David Liañez Fernandez 
PO Box 163 
21080 Huelva 
For all direct request, please send a self addressed envelope with: 2 $ or 1 Euro for all destinations.
NOT IN LOG?If you can not find your callsign in the LOG but are sure to have a valid contact, please send your request to EB7DX after Carefully checking the QSO details (date, time, band and mode) With our operators. 
Every request will be Considered in order to debug any possible log entry mistake. Thank you for your understanding
LOTW Confirmations
All QSOs will be confirmed via LOTW.
Confirmations BUREAU
Spanish QSL Bureau.
“Online QSL Request System (OQRS) will be available for direct and bureau QSL requests”.
Bird Island
Located in geographical position Latitude 15 ° 40 ‘23.7 “N and Longitude 63 ° 36’ 59.9 W; far 666 km northwest of the port of La Guaira, 509 km north franc Margarita Island, 435 km northwest of the Blanquilla Island, 200 km west of the Dominican Republic and Guadeloupe (closest point to the mainland) and 251 km to the east of Puerto Rico. Territory island of 585 Mts Mts long and 30 wide at its narrowest, generates an approximate area of ​​135,000 km in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), establishing a delimitation of marine and submarine areas in the United States of America (Puerto Rico and St. Croix) with the Kingdom of the Netherlands Netherlands (Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten) and the Republic of France (Guadeloupe and Martinique). Isle of Birds has a flat topography, with a slightly wavy surface produced by the drag of the sand and wind. terrain altitude varies between 0 and 3 m above sea level, being the highest northern part. adjacent marina in the area, there is a coral reef that surrounds almost in its entirety, except for the west.’s relief Island Bird is part of an underwater mountain range known as the “Bird Prominence”, which is located in the southeastern Caribbean Sea and extends from the island of Blanquilla contained in the Continental Shelf of Venezuela to Isla de Aves north , making a tour in the longitudinal direction of about 400 km, parallel to the Lesser Antilles and with a variable width of 1,000 km, east-west.
Photos of the island
Scientific Naval Base ‘Simon Bolivar’
At the time of filing Bird Island Wildlife Refuge, on August 23, 1972, by Presidential Decree No. 1069, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation of the Navy of Venezuela took the opportunity to make the island a topographic survey and bathymetric that gave rise to the nautical DHN-32 Bird Island, reissued in 1976, is the first official cartographic document published by the National Government. In the year of 1978 by Ministerial Resolution No. M-1846 of June 2 of that year, establishing the Naval Scientific Base “Simon Bolivar” Bird Island, leaving it to the Navy of Venezuela through the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation, the guardianship and custody of the military installation, its geographical location being the northernmost of our territory. In March 1979, the Department of Meteorology of the Hydrography and Navigation installed the first on the island weather station which operated until August of that year, when Hurricane “David” destroyed, to be reinstated later in the year 1980 is again destroyed, this time by Hurricane “Allen”. In 1981 the weather station was reinstated, operating until the present as synoptic station. The Weather Station “Bird Island” allows Venezuela integrated as a permanent member in RA IV World Meteorological Organization, which makes our country belongs to two regional associations (Regions III and IV). 
In mid-March 1978, a contract was signed between the Department of Military Engineering Services Directorate of the Ministry of Defense and the U.S. company Wallace Alvarez CA, for the construction of a concrete platform for the installation of one Naval Research Station permanent type. This platform is placed on piles driven to the limestone in the basement of the island. About the same housing modules were assembled and the facilities to operate the base, taking into account the ecological fragility of the environment. Bird Island is the second most important place in the Caribbean to the arrival of the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), reptile year after year visit these waters to mate and reproduce without being threatened.
Photos Naval Base Simon Bolivar Scientific
Species List Bird Island Click here