LOTW, Step 4 Making A Station Location

LOTW, Step 4

Making A Station Location
Now that you have your electronic certificate you can now sign and upload your logs to Logbook of The World.  The first step in the signing process is to create a Station Location.  Your station location contains the geographic information about your station. Information such as zones, grid squares, IOTA numbers and US States and Counties are included in your station location.
The information in your station location is how the other operator receives credit for things like your US State, County, zones, etc therefore it is very important that this information be complete and accurate.
1.  Open TQSL  Tqsl.lnk
3.  Enter all of the information for the location of your operation and click next.
4.  US Callsigns will get drop down menus to select a State and County.
5.  The final step is naming the station location.  Once you have entered the station location name (“Home” in the example), click FINISH.