The CQ WPX Awards Program
The CQ WPX Award recognizes the accomplishments of confirmed QSOs with the many prefixes used by amateurs throughout the world. Separate, distinctively marked certificates are available for SSB, CW, Digital (RTTY/PSK) and Mixed (CW, SSB/Phone, Digital).
1. Applications
A. All applications for WPX certificates (and endorsements) must be submitted on the official application form (CQ 1051). This form may be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped, business-size (4 × 9 inch) envelope to the WPX Award Manager, Steve Bolia, N8BJQ, P.O. Box 355, New Carlisle, OH 45344. It is also available on CQ’s website at <>. Computer printouts with a minimum of 10-point size type are acceptable provided they con- form somewhat to the CQ 1051 application form. Electronic applica- tions will also be accepted and are encouraged. Please contact the WPX Award Manager for details.
B. All call letters must be in strict alphabetical order and only the entire call letters are required and must be shown.
C. All QSOs must be made from the same country. D. All entries must be clearly legible.
E: Certificates are issued for HF (160-10) and 6 meters for the follow- ing modes and number of prefixes. Cross-mode QSOs are not valid for single-mode certificates.
Mixed: 400 prefixes confirmed. CW: 300 prefixes confirmed. SSB: 300 prefixes confirmed. Digital: 300 prefixes confirmed
A separate application is required for each mode.
F. Cards need not be sent, but they must be in the possession of the applicant. Any and all cards may be requested by the WPX Award Manager or by the CQ Awards Committee.
G. The application fee for each certificate is $6.00 for CQ subscribers (subscribers must include a recent CQ mailing label, or a photocopy of it) and $12.00 for non-subscribers, or the equivalent in IRCs at $.50 each.
H. All applications and endorsement requests should be sent to the
WPX Award Manager.
2. Endorsements
A. Prefix endorsements are issued for each 50 additional prefixes submitted. Minimum submission at any one time is 50 prefixes.
B. Band endorsements are available for working the following num- bers of prefixes on the various bands:
1.8 MHz – 50
3.5 MHz – 175
5 MHz – 175*
7 MHz – 250
10 MHz – 250
14 MHz – 300
18 MHz – 300
21 MHz – 300
24 MHz – 300
28 MHz – 300
50 MHz – 250
* The initial level of 175 prefixes for 60 meters may be increased in the future to no more than 250 when and if sufficient additional admin- istrations permit amateur operation on the band.
C. Continent endorsements are available for working the following numbers of prefixes in the respective continents: North America 160, South America 95, Europe 160, Africa 90, Asia 75, Oceania 60.
D. Endorsement applications may be submitted by computer printout or on CQ form 1051. Use a separate application for each mode of your endorsement application. Electronic submission is preferred and encouraged.
E. For prefix endorsements, list only additional call letters confirmed since the last endorsement application.
F. A self-addressed, stamped envelope or proper IRCs for surface or airmail return is required, and $1.00 or 2 IRCs for each endorsement sticker.
3. Prefixes
A. The letter/numeral combinations which form the first part of the ama- teur call will be considered the prefix. Examples: K6, N6, WD4, HG1, HG19, WB2, KC2, OE2, U3, ZS66, etc. Any difference in the numbering, lettering, or order of same shall constitute a separate prefix.
B. A prefix will be considered if licensed by the governing authority in the country of operation after November 15, 1945.
C. In cases of portable operation in another country or call area, the portable designator would then become the prefix. Example: WN5N/7 would count as WN7, J6/WN5N would count as J6, KH6/WN5N would count as KH6, etc. Portable designators without numbers will be assigned a zero (Ø) at the end of the designator to form the prefix. Example: LX/WN5N would count as LXØ. The portable prefix must be an authorized prefix of the country/area of operation. Maritime mobile, mobile, /A, /E, /J, /P, interim license class identifiers and unofficial pre- fixes do not count as prefixes.
D. All calls without numbers will be assigned a zero (Ø) plus the first two letters to form a prefix. Examples: XEFTJW would count as XEØ, RAEM would count as RAØ, AIR as AIØ, etc.
WPX Honor Roll
The WPX Honor Roll recognizes the operators and stations that maintain a high standing in confirmed, current prefixes. The rules, therefore, reflect the belief that Honor Roll membership should be accessible to all active radio amateurs and not be unduly advanta- geous to the “old timers.” With the exceptions listed below, all general rules for WPX apply toward Honor Roll credit.
A minimum of 600 prefixes is required to be eligible for the WPX Honor Roll. No certificates are issued, but a listing of members appears in CQ every other month.
A. Only current prefixes will be counted toward the WPX Honor Roll standings. Prefixes will be deleted from the Honor Roll listing ten years after they are no longer authorized for use by the governing authority or by the ITU.
B. Honor Roll applicants must submit their list of current prefixes (entire call required) separately from their regular WPX applications. Electronic submission is preferred and encouraged. A simple ASCII file or an Excel spreadsheet showing just the call is sufficient. Contact the Award Manager for details. Use of regular form 1051 or a computer printout is also permissible. Handwritten applications must be legible. Indicate Honor Roll and mode desired. Forms may be obtained by send- ing a business-size, self-addressed, stamped envelope or 1 IRC (foreign stations send extra postage or IRCs if airmail is desired) to the WPX Award Manager. A separate application must be made for each mode. Lifetime Honor Roll fee for each mode is $10.00.
A computer printout of your individual Honor Roll file may be obtained from the WPX Award Manager for $6.00 plus a self-addressed enve- lope and sufficient postage for return.
C. Endorsements for the Honor Roll may be made for 25 or more pre- fixes. A $1.00 endorsement fee plus an SASE or IRC is to be included. For prefixes by countries see the Callbook listing
WPX Award of Excellence
This is the ultimate award for the prefix DXer. The requirements are
1000 prefixes in Mixed mode, 600 prefixes in SSB, 600 prefixes in CW, all 6 continental endorsements, and the 5 non-WARC band endorse- ments 80-10 meters. Special endorsement bars are available for Digital, 160, 60, 30, 17, 12 and 6 meters for those who have also qual- ified for those endorsements (see Rules 1E and 2B for qualifying num- bers of prefixes).
The WPX Award of Excellence plaque fee is $60.00. The endorse- ment bars are $6.50 each.